Last week's newest cocktail: The Satan Cocktail found on cocktaildb.
I was looking for a recipe that used Peychauds and the new bottle of Ouzo I just got, and I wasn't having any luck. Since I'd never heard of Pastis, I didn't think the Satan would be something I could make. However, with a name like the Satan Cocktail, how could I not give it a look...
Turns out the suggested substitute for Pastis is "Ouzo or other anise-flavored liqueur" My immediate response was - how quickly can I whip one of these up? After trying several less-than-spectacular variations on a cocktail starring Ouzo the night before, I was up for it playing a supporting role instead.
For those not in the know on Ouzo (and I count as one of these) a fun intro would be to watch the Lesbos episode of Three Sheets. Ouzo is a anise flavored liquor, and if that doesn't help describe it, think absinthe- and if that still doesn't help, think peppermint mixed with christmas trees mixed with jaegermister. Or something like that. It's a powerful taste, and hard to shove aside. Something I would like to really work with, since I had no luck whatsoever coming up with a cocktail that didn't taste like pungent dishwater.
Anyway, to the Satan Cocktail!
I used the handy-dandy glass size meter to increase the proportion in this drink, so it doesn't quite match the basic version in the database.
2 1/4 oz Bourbon
3/4 oz Sweet Vermouth
1/4 oz Ouzo
2 Dashes Peychaud Bitters
Pour all ingredients over ice in a shaker, shake twice, then twirl shaker and strain into cocktail glass (I like Whiskey glasses, but choose your own)
I found it to be a little harsh with just hardy stirring, and like it much better with the shake and twirl. Your Smilage May Vary.
Coming next in the Satanic Cocktails section: Diabolo Cocktail
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