I don't like jail, they got the wrong kind of bars in there.

Charles Bukowski

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Other Drink Blogs - The Drunken Moogle

Just a quick shoutout to a super-geek drinking blog I just discovered, the Drunken Moogle.

Just the two most recent (currently) posts get me all tingly, I will definitely be making the Vera. I've watched Firefly through, and love Castle, so a manly-ass drink named after a sweet Space Cowboy Gun sounds great.

Anyway, check out the Drunken Moogle, it's fun, and while you're at it, check out some of the other drinking blogs on the right side of Redfacery


Friday, May 4, 2012

Red Wine - Resveratrol and the Search for the Elixir of Life

Well, that clears everything up for me. According to a new study in Cell Metabolism, there's still hope for winos everywhere that a life of swilling red wine will keep you healthy. In short, it was found that whether given in small, medium, or large doses, resveratrol, a naturally occurring "dirty molecule," helped American* mice live longer.

They can't yet identify what exactly is going on, but this article marks a positive turn in the experimental-drug-development phase for big pharmaceuticals hoping to find the anti-aging pill. I don't know about you, but I plan on sitting back with a few boxes and not worrying at all about this until they can inject the solution into my Orange Tyson Chicken or something.

Seatle Times - Think Inside the Box

*American here refers to the high-fat diet with which they are fed

Drink 'till your face matches the wine!