I don't like jail, they got the wrong kind of bars in there.

Charles Bukowski

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A Recipe For Success

It is very easy to fall into a rut when mixing drinks.  For me the rut is usually seasonal - in the winter I drink a lot of Bourbon neat, in the summer it is a lot of Lion's Head, etc...  However, flexibility in mixing drinks is key.

Nobody drinks the same drink year round, or at least if you do, get a life, you're boring the shit out of me.  Anyway, there is a time and a place for particular drinks.  Now, I don't really go for rigidity in determining what to drink - I'll take an aperitif for dessert as readily as I'll take a margarita for lunchtime - but keeping up with the season is an integral part of daily drinking.

With that in mind, I'd like to encourage one thing in particular today: no matter what the season or recipe, get yourself a juicer and use fresh lemons and limes.  As a man who has many times before made drinks with bottled juice when that's what available, I feel experienced enough to have an opinion.  And my opinion is buy a couple limes for a dollar or two; put them in the fridge; when you want to use one, take it out a hour before and let it warm up.  No matter what season it is or what drink is your potion of choice at the time, fresh citrus is the way to go.

One change always leaves the way open for the establishment of others.
-Niccolo Machiavelli

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