I don't like jail, they got the wrong kind of bars in there.

Charles Bukowski

Friday, May 4, 2012

Red Wine - Resveratrol and the Search for the Elixir of Life

Well, that clears everything up for me. According to a new study in Cell Metabolism, there's still hope for winos everywhere that a life of swilling red wine will keep you healthy. In short, it was found that whether given in small, medium, or large doses, resveratrol, a naturally occurring "dirty molecule," helped American* mice live longer.

They can't yet identify what exactly is going on, but this article marks a positive turn in the experimental-drug-development phase for big pharmaceuticals hoping to find the anti-aging pill. I don't know about you, but I plan on sitting back with a few boxes and not worrying at all about this until they can inject the solution into my Orange Tyson Chicken or something.

Seatle Times - Think Inside the Box

*American here refers to the high-fat diet with which they are fed

Drink 'till your face matches the wine!

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