Who has the Elephant's Ear these days? With Rush Limbaugh jumping off the deep end as often as possible, Glen Beck coming in remarkably high on Time's 100 Most Influential People in the world, and just slightly edged out by Sarah Palin at that (!), predicting the direction of the GOP is nebulous.
Well, I sat down today to puzzle over just that. With no answers forthcoming, I slurped down a few Elephant's Ear Cocktails, turned off Fox News, and went to do something productive. With no clear leaders, or even people willing to put forward an accomplishment (Think McCain and Immigration, or Romney and Health Care, Palin and ??????), I can't imagine the GOP coming up with any sort of victory in 2012. But that's just me.
I found it a little difficult to take a good picture of the drink - I kept having the problem of too little drink left, because who wouldn't want a sip or two in between frames?
1oz Gin
3/4oz Dry Vermouth
3/4oz Dubonnet Rouge
It says stir, but as usual, I found the 'Two shakes and then swirl" method more tasty. Enjoy!
The taste was interesting, but I suggest you make your own if you'd like to know what it is.
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