I don't like jail, they got the wrong kind of bars in there.

Charles Bukowski

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


That's the ticket on a warm day, a cold Horsefeather.  I have A.J. Rathburn to thank for this gem.  I seem to like my Horsefeathers with at least 3 generous dashes of bitters, but you can choose your own amount.

Approximately Mr. Rathburn's recipe:

3 oz Bourbon
3 Dashes Bitters
Ginger Ale

Fill tall glass three quarters full with ice, add bourbon and bitters, then fill with ginger ale, stir and smile.

Surprising on the palate- the Horsefeather packs a much more complex taste than you would expect given it seems like mostly soda.  Don't be fooled by it's cooling and restorative first glance though, it packs quite a punch and by your third or fourth, you'll feel like it should be called "Lead-Footed Horse" or something more pithy than you care to think of.

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